Lions live in groups and hunt in groups. If a lion chooses to live alone (the males do) then they simply live less long (5 years shorter). What can we learn from this?
When God created man He said it would not be good for man to remain alone and He made a helper for him (the woman). People also live in groups.
- What types of groups do you live in? (family, relatives, friends, classmates, church, village, city, club)
- Why are those groups important to you?
- What would you miss if you don't belong to that group?
- Why do lions live shorter lives when they live alone and not in a group?
Lions hunt in groups.
We must practice that with the crossing game:
- We are all on one side and have to go to the other side
- The first hunter is alone and has to catch someone
- If he has caught it, you can hunt together
- and so on until only 1 remains.
Lions hunt in groups. How do they do that? Some lions chase their prey in a certain direction. There are other lions hiding and they suddenly jump out.
- What do you hunt for?
- How do you do that and with whom?
- Who would you like to do that with?
But is everyone now equal in a group? No. You are all unique and different and everyone is special in his or her own way. So you should not imitate each other in a group, but do your best to show your unique qualities within a group. We find a nice explanation about this in the Bible where a group of people is compared to a body with all different parts: hands, feet, eyes, ears, etc. and all those parts need each other precisely because they are all different.
You can draw this on a whiteboard: a body with all eyes or with all hands and ask what is wrong.
- Who are you if you compare the club to a body? An eye, a hand, a foot or a piece of hair, an ear? Try to explain this well.
- What are your qualities? Think of 3 to 5.
- What does the group have in your qualities?
- What would you like to give more attention to? Which quality would you like to improve? How?
This week you have a lion passport and with that passport you can become a member of the lion gang, but then you have to earn the necessary visas. This is a visa: group participation. You have shown that you participate well in a group and that you are a help to others and that you make your own unique contribution and that others can count on you. All these things will be credited to your passport so do your best!
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