The lion is the king of the animals. They say. Why actually? Probably because the lion is strong and big. The story about Saul and David, the first kings of Israel, also talks about the people wanting a king who is great and strong. A king is great and he must win wars. When David was chosen as king, he had 7 bigger brothers and no one expected him to be chosen.
Stage: The Election of David
Who would you want as king? What should it look like? What should he do? Should he do something for you too? What then? In your group, come up with a presentation of the best king you can imagine. That can be a play but can also be a poster or a story.
When Jesus was on earth, he was expected to be king of Israel. Why actually? Israel was oppressed by the Romans and it was thought that Jesus would deliver them from the Romans. Jesus had power and did things that no one else could. And so they received him in Jerusalem. But no, Jesus did not become king there then. No, they killed him there and he knew this was going to happen. He showed no great strength there then and was mocked when he died. Not really worthy of a king …..
So, everyone was disappointed and confused. Still, people were right. Jesus had come to be King, but He became a different king than they expected. How much does Jesus actually resemble the king you presented at the beginning of this program?
A lion is the king because he is strong. But Jesus is also King and He is also strong. But not only in terms of muscles and teeth. In what actually? In your group, write down as many things as possible in which Jesus is stronger than anyone else on earth (10 minutes).
Did you know that Jesus is called "the Lion of Judah"? And that this Lion becomes the ruler of the universe (revelation, the scroll). So, yes, just as the lion is called the king of the jungle, Jesus is King of THE Kingdom. Is He your King too? (Whiteboard: the chair, I sit on it and above it: God, what I believe in. But that's an incorrect picture. That I must get off the chair and the King must sit on it and that I in front of the chair. So: you you can believe in the King, but that doesn't mean He is really your King. You have to choose that and you have free will to choose.)
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