Visit, youth work, clearance
Shortly after our arrival in Croatia, we were visited by 6 young people from Youth with a Mission from Amsterdam. As a family we have not had time to "settle down". That is not a disaster. Right now I experience that as a privilege because we know ourselves in the midst of God's work. Isn't that wonderful right after arrival? It is wonderful to receive and take care of the local youth on a daily basis. The weekend was overwhelming (30 people) and very intensive. Some of the girls indicated that they have really learned new things about Jesus and the Fatherhood of God and want to continue to get to know and follow Christ. In addition, together with the YWAM group, I visit an elder or the youth at home every day. All barns have also been cleared and we are busy driving obsolete surpluses to the scrap yard. Conclusion: our life may be too intensive, but at the moment I am very happy with that. Now just be careful that we are going to find enough rest and keep the program until September.
Traveling to the Netherlands with 8 young people
In the meantime, we are in consultation with the local youth and their parents about the intended “tour” to the Netherlands. Our group of young people has been invited by a YWAM group (Impact World Tour / Alblasserwaard – Bleskensgraaf) to visit them from June 24 to July 1. In the Netherlands they will experience a mini Discipleship Training School. We also want to organize a program for young people from the Evangelical congregation Jonah in Ede on the weekend of June 30th. Obstacle at the moment is obtaining passports for 4 girls who would like to participate and are a permanent part of our group. They do not yet know how they will pay for this. We will also have to work hard to get the other finances for this trip together.
Other cases
Manuel is going back to school in Croatia and he seems to have found his way again. Samira also looks pretty happy and likes to work in the garden. Husein and Seka (her parents) visit regularly. I have ordered satellite internet and hope that I will get this working soon.
Apologies for the abundance of information but this first week has been very intensive and we really need others to think along, to pray, to organize and to support. I hope this information can help with that. We look forward to responses.
Cordial greetings,
Emmanoëlla (increasingly cute and funnier), Samuel (completely at home), Manuel (the mini missionary), Samira (the gardener; just rescued her fish) and Meindert (hope to be in bed soon …..)
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