Saturday 15 and 22 June, continuation of the Lion Gang

jun 23, 2013 | Frontpage Content | 0 Reacties

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Last Saturday – June 15 – was an enthusiastic day for the Lion Gang. My brother Maarten was visiting and quite a few children and young people came to participate. In total 18. Still, ten children from the permanent group were not present. We started the day with a lively game of farmer's basebal.

Then the happening followed: baking pizzas in the new pizza oven. The pizza oven was very hot and so we could bake a pizza within 5 to 7 minutes and the 8 pizzas of the children within an hour. A pizza success and also fun for when we have guests.

We divided the children into four small groups and each group had come up with a game. We enjoyed that a lot in the afternoon. Then some energy to play a fanatic game of football in Krstinja and so we had a very pleasant and enthusiastic Lion Gang day.

Saturday June 22

This day I expected an even larger group. The children of Katarina Matosevic (Kristijan, Vedran and Tihana) were punished last week and were not allowed to come by Mom and there were still some children that I had expected. But no, Katarina's children are still punished (for what?), Stefica's mother (also Katarina) is too insecure to let her child go to the club, Selvedin and Lara could not be brought across the border by their mother Mirsad, Tomi had been taken by dad to a wedding and so on. Result: Beki and Amel and Irad were the only children besides Manuel and Samuel and Emma and Dragan, Edis and Elvis were also present. We had a nice day but worries have grown. Especially after Beki and Amel told me that they will be housed with grandma until the end of the summer.

On Saturday I paid attention to the similarity of the talents. Together we made a list of things that they can make or do and that can be offered for sale at We then cooked (was a group of 11 all together) and we went into the forest look for materials we could use. Visiting Kika and together to Krstinja to end the day with an enthusiastic game of football.

Children's club Croatia to the forest

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