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Mission trip summer 2023

A few years ago (in pre-pandemic era) we organized a few Mission Trips to our project in Croatia where we as a family organized a mission project and youth work for 15 years. Due to the well-known events since spring 2020, the organization of these trips has stopped....

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Misionarsko putovanje ljeto 2023

Prije nekoliko godina (u razdoblju prije pandemije) organizirali smo nekoliko misijskih putovanja u naš projekt u Hrvatskoj gdje smo kao obitelj organizirali misijski projekt i rad s mladima 15 godina. Zbog poznatih događanja od proljeća 2020. prestala je organizacija...

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Hostel Croatia – The Blue House

Welcome to Hostel Croatia, in The Middle of Nowhere but still easily accessible and with all basic amenities such as running water and electricity. There are 45 beds for rent and they all cost 15 euros per night. Are you coming with more than two people or with...

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